Discover how faith meets life!
Our Sunday-morning adult Bible study examines many different topics in order to help the "rubber meet the road" in our faith. A team of teachers take turns teaching through the Bible and bringing it to life in our daily lives.
It’s a great way to start to connect with other adults in our church, gain some deeper insights, and dialogue together around ways to apply our faith to life.
Meet to talk, study, discuss, pray, and laugh! Oh, and more often than not, eat!
We have various small groups who meet throughout the week to give people a chance to build stronger connections. Our aim is that small groups can help foster relationships within the body of Christ. Each group has the freedom to decide it’s overarching purpose for being together, plan their own meeting times and their focused format. We believe small groups help people connect with one another. These smaller communities are a place where we can encourage one another in our faith journeys, and learn to love each other and those in our lives well. Send a message to the email below if you want to learn more about a specific group, or if you just want to see what might be a good fit for you!

Grow in the brotherhood of faith!
We welcome men of all ages that want to spend time in their Bibles to discover what is inside God's Word that will help us become better sons, brothers, fathers, husbands - men. "Iron sharpens iron" is the Biblical concept that we operate under. We read a chapter a week and then dive into what we've just read. There is no homework, work book, or study guide, so men can drop by as their schedules allow.
Women's Ministry
Dive into the grace of the Word!
Our Women’s Bible Study meets to encourage women in their walk of faith and dig into the Word of God. We welcome women of all ages and have a grace centered approach to studying the Word together. We have done many different Bible studies including those by Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and Margaret Feinberg, as well as other studies of different aspects of the Bible.

Reaching people with the message of the love and power of Jesus Christ
Reaching around the corner and around the world is our vision at Living Faith Church. We support missions and missionaries in many countries, as well as several local ministries. Our support includes Converge Worldwide, Arise Ministries, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Send International, Crossroads Chapel, YWAM, CRU, Glorybound, Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, and many more.
Many from our congregation take short-term mission trips because they see how the saving love of Jesus Christ changes lives. Several of our young people are being called to go into fulltime missions.
Join the LFC Gladiators!
The Living Faith softball team participates in the Twin Cities Baptist Church Softball League. Team members range from 9th graders to adult. We play on Monday nights from May through August. You can find our schedule at

Worship Team
We bring the congregation, and each other, closer to God through our music!
Our love of music draws out the best in us as we work and play. At LFC we have a diverse body, and with that comes a desire to explore a diverse selection of music and styles.
We love seeing the effect our music has on everyone; during services, during the week, even moving people to volunteer with us. We're always looking to add more people to our tech team and worship team.
Our tech team consists of lights, lyrics, sound, and video technicians, and our music team consists of piano, keys, drums, bass, guitar, and vocals. If you're interested in learning/volunteering with tech, or volunteering with the worship team, please contact our worship director Mike Wisniewski below. We'd love to get to know you and figure out how we can work together to help people connect with God through our music!